Basketball Training Should Be More Fun Than Work

Basketball Training = Fun and Enjoyment

Two girls enjoying playing basketballYou can look around the Internet and find a volume of information about how to train young players and develop them into great athletes. For example,

“Long Term Athlete Development, LTAD, is a model created by Dr. Istvan Balyi to guide the athletic development process from pre-puberty through retirement. An LTAD approach emphasizes age-appropriate skill acquisition to maximize the athlete’s potential and builds progressively throughout a player’s career moving to more detailed instruction as he reaches the next level. Children progress through different developmental stages; the LTAD model reconciles athletic development with natural development.  ”

Value of the Developmental Approach to Basketball Training

• Athletic peak performance may take many years of play and practice.
• Each player develops according to his or her own timetable.
• A peak player at any point in time might simply be demonstrating a momentary peak versus other players and is not indicative of future success.
• All players should be encouraged to enjoy learning and developing skills so they may enjoy the sport throughout their lives, not just through the current tournament.
• A structured approach helps avoid the “peak by Friday” approach used by inexperienced, novice and ineffective coaches.

Basketball is a game.

Many parents may become very serious in developing athletic potential or other talents in their children, and may forget that basketball is a game or that activities that sustain interest must also be enjoyable.  Basketball training is meant to be fun…not work. It should be an enjoyable and fun learning experience. When positioned this way, children see that learning is fun and that developing new knowledge, skills and abilities is enjoyable. These are valuable life lessons that will help them become lifelong learners and happy, interesting adults who are comfortable in their own skin. Games are competitive contests which help the players understand their own level of skill in relation to others. However, playing and competing should always be fun. It is the fun and enjoyment that keeps players returning to the game until they become great players.

The Art of Coaching Basketball and Training

The real art of coaching basketball becomes one of training and developing athletic skills among all the players, according to their abilities.  The end goal is to help players have fun, improve self-confidence, coordination, master socialization/life skills and exude good sportsmanship.    Learning to grow and compete in a structured environment is in itself an important developmental component to success in life.  That is what we are all about at ATTACK Basketball Academy.