Spice Up Your Year-Round Training

Did you know that, in order to become an exceptional player, your training regimen must change with the seasons? If you are training the same way during basketball season as you are in the Summer, you are missing the boat. Read an excerpt from our book, My Attack Planner on how to train for each season.

“You should be training on 90-day cycles.  Why 90 days?  Because the first 30-day phase is creating a habit, meaning your body and mind are accepting your workout routine.  The second 30-day phase is building the habit, meaning you have to hold yourself accountable to your routine and push yourself.  The third 30-day phase is becoming the habit, where your routine is a part of who you are.  This means that the moves are so intuitive for you that you can easily think in action in any situation. 

Summer – The Summer is the time to work on the things you MUST improve on.  I call this the Deficiency Season.  This is one of the toughest seasons because you have to take the feedback and analysis from your in-season play and work on it.  These are the skills that are holding you back from moving to the next level.  This could mean moving from the B to the A team, making a top-tier AAU team, earning more playing time, etc. 

Fall – The Fall is the Grooving Season, which includes a lot of repetition.  This is the time to solidify what you worked on over the Summer.  You don’t want to introduce new skills during this time because you want your mind to be relaxed going into tryouts and basketball season.  I do a lot of timed drills during this season, as it is all about getting as many shots, dribbles, passes, etc. as possible during the workout. 

Winter – Winter is Maintenance Season. Personally, I hate it! Here is why: 90% of players who train year-round are still afraid to implement what they have been learning in a game setting.  If you are too afraid to take a risk in a game, there is no point in training the other three seasons. 

Spring – Spring is Collection Season because you have to take time to recover both mentally and physically from the basketball season.  This is also the time to collect your thoughts and reflect on what you did well and what you need to improve on.”

Follow this method of training and you will see noticeable gains in your game. And you are guaranteed to have more fun as you can look forward to each season holding something new. For more information on basketball training tips and techniques, purchase My Attack Planner by clicking HERE.