Who Is “I”?

Who is “I”? This is a loaded question and many times the answer depends on the perspective of the person that day, their circumstances, and environment. How the person answers also depends on what area of their life they think the question applies to…wife, accountant, maid, volunteer, board member. The theme throughout all of these … Continued

How to Earn Quality Time on the Court

Why has non-game activity become a global phenomenon? Why do you train so hard? Is it because all of your friends are doing it? NO. Is it because your parents want you to? NO. The reason you put in the sweat equity is to get quality playing time in EVERY game you play. So what … Continued

Why The Smalls on the Court Need to Know How to Play Big

Post play is not just for forwards and post players anymore, just like perimeter play is not just for guards. The game of basketball has evolved. The game now demands players to stretch their skills to accommodate all positions. It is not unfathomable to see the tallest players on the team play the guard positions. In the … Continued

Pick, Slip, Scorer (PS2)

Great scorers all have one thing in common…they set great picks. Especially ones that play off the basketball. So how do you set a great pick? When you “head-hunt” to make legal contact with an opponent that delays them from reaching their desired position. So how does setting a great pick allow you to score? … Continued

Lifelong Learners

When we are kids, we are not learning about or for ourselves, we are copying and pasting the behaviors that we experience from others. Because we are reliant on our caregivers, their time constraints, and rules, we do not have the ability to let our true selves radiate. We are not allowed to opt out … Continued

Adversity: Bitter or Better?

One thing that is consistent in this life is that we are going to encounter adverse circumstances. Whether it be an untimely passing of a family member or the water heater flooding our house, it is not a matter of if something unexpected is going to happen, it’s a matter of when. The question is, … Continued

Be Kind, Remind

Why is it that we tend to be the least kind to ourselves? Why are we willing to extend forgiveness to others and not to ourselves? I don’t have the answer to these two questions, but I do have a suggestion on how we can refocus how we see and treat ourselves. First and foremost, … Continued

Leave Love Behind

How do we want people to remember us after we have departed from this world? Personally, I want to leave a legacy of love, grace, and mercy. On March 8, 2018, my brother James Miller passed away. James had a progressive paralysis disease since birth and was not projected to live past 17. However, due … Continued

Focus on Experiences, Not Mistakes

How often do you make mistakes? If we are not actively seeking to make mistakes each day, we are not growing. It is easy to stay in a “safe” state, doing the things we are good at, staying around the same people, keeping the same job because it pays the bills. But is this really … Continued

Visual Environment

I recently participated in a volunteer program at my daughter’s elementary school called WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students). The two primary goals of the program are: 1) To provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important. 2) To provide extra sets of eyes and ears to … Continued