Are you in charge of a middle or high school, association or organization who may want to host a basketball training camp?
Excellent! We are always looking for new partners to help us reach more families and athletes who can use our training methods. We love to supplement your coaching with specific skills-based programs to allow your players the best season possible.
For full details of how our camps run in both length and materials – check out our Basketball Camps general information page.

We can host:
- Preseason camps
- Mid-season tune-up camps
- Postseason development camps
Here’s what we need:
- An indoor basketball court with a minimum of two baskets
- Coaches (most coaches volunteer in order to learn from this experience and improve their coaching).
Please note: The ratio of coaches to players should be 1:10 not including Coach Charlie. Therefore, the number of coaches needed will be dependent on the number of kids signed up for the camp. (Ex. If there are 40 kids signed up for a camp, four coaches would need to be provided in addition to Coach Charlie.)
- Payment for lodging and travel for Coach Charlie
- Basketballs
- Marketing to your network/mailing list with the marketing materials we provide (This allows you to keep the contact information of your people private.)
- Minimum guarantee of 15 attendees
Here’s what we provide:
- Registration on our website
- Flyers created around your camp & location
- Email marketing templates with your camp details
- For classroom study camps – a notebook for each camp attendee as well as a classroom projector
- Coach Charlie as a head coach
- Setup and breakdown of any equipment used during the camp
- 15% donation of the total profit from the camp to the organization/school
- Partial scholarships for players who may not be able to afford the full price of the camp
- Letters of endorsement/recommendation for volunteer coaches to use to boost their resume